Although you can find similar items at both stores, there are some differences that make each store stand out from the other. Lowe’s has a bigger selection, while Home Depot focuses on the younger market with their mobile app. These two chains have very different layouts and are well stocked. If you need to buy large appliances or flooring, Lowe’s will have a better selection than Home Depot.
While both home improvement stores are similar, one thing you can notice immediately from the staff at Lowe’s is that they seem to take their jobs seriously. Home Depot employees have extensive knowledge of the products and will happily guide you through the process of buying and installing them. In addition to this, they speak with the authority of a professional and are very helpful. Lowe’s staff also speaks like an expert, so you can be assured that your project will be completed without a hitch.
Generally, Home Depot is a more welcoming place for first-timers. Most items are ready for pickup within a few hours of ordering. Lowe’s has a more traditional look, but it needs to get better at delivery speed. While Lowe’s offers an extensive selection of home improvement products, it is easier to navigate and purchase items at Home Depot. There are also less crowded stores and fewer lines than Lowe’s.